Fall Into Health With These 5 Superfoods – Starting With #5…

Ready to see where Superfoods can fit into your regular weekly diet, and boost your health and wellbeing this season? You might already know that I’m borderline obsessed about how food forms the foundation of our health. Like me, perhaps you’re passionate about food when it’s fresh, local, organic, free-range, made with love, and delicious. I love to help you figure out how to use food to boost your immunity, clear up your skin and get your hormones back in balance. You might be surprised that as a naturopathic doctor I’m a “warm & cooked” food lover and get chilly and bloated just thinking about a raw food diet. I’m not a vegetarian, and when I eat animal products, I … Read More

Drink Your Way to Health: The Benefits of Green Tea

It’s tea time! Green tea is one of my favourite superfoods – it’s energizing yet calming – the “zen” option in the caffeinated world – antioxidant, antiaging, and even has antiviral properties. That’s right, regular green tea drinkers are at a lower risk of coming down with seasonal flu and other viral infections. It’s effective for infection prevention in kids, although you may want to choose a decaffeinated option for your little ones. Clinically, we suggest green tea as an affordable health-booster and we also use ECGC (a constituent of green tea) as a detox- and weight loss-support. Recently, we’re experimenting with matcha, a beautiful bright green powder made from grinding green tea on a stone mill. It’s a superfood that adds … Read More

3 Essential Herbs For Cold & Flu Season

I’ve been hearing lots lately that you’ve (or your Little One has) already come down with a back-to-school cold or flu. Last week at our free kids’ health class, “Healthy All Year”, Dr. Antoinette and I shared our tips for keeping your kiddos (and you!) as healthy as possible and we loved to excited those mamas were to get this prevention rolling in September. From a naturopathic perspective, we think prevention first, so that you can avoid illness and reduce the severity and duration of suffering if and when you do get sick. Herbal medicines are complexes of plant compounds that your body recognizes (because both plants and your body are parts of nature) and picks up what it needs to do its amazing … Read More

Step It Up AND Surrender: 3 Ways to Boost Your Back-to-School, Back-To-Life Wellness

Do you remember learning how to float? The fear of sinking made it almost impossible to relax, but letting go was necessary to actually be able to float. The effortlessness of riding the waves of uncertainty does not necessarily come naturally or easily, especially for those of us who like to be movers and shakers and get things done in a timely fashion (wink)…but once you’ve got it, you never forget how, and it actually feels pretty good. So woohoo, you’re almost through back-to-school week and moving back into the routine of September – the “New New Year” when it comes to health & lifestyle. It can also be a super busy month! Personally, September has given me the opportunity to reflect on … Read More

Ready for a Detox?

Wondering whether a detox could help you lose those last few pounds, reboot your energy or boost your brain power? Concerned about how pollutants in the environment could be getting into your body and causing symptoms like brain fog, mood swings, inflammation and hormonal imbalances? You’re Designed to Detox If my toxicology degree taught me one thing, it’s that the human body is capable of detoxifying virtually any toxin. Miraculously, this includes toxins that are man-made and didn’t even exist on this planet when our grandparents were born. And, if my clinical training has taught me one thing, it’s that detoxification is complicated. Since the ability to eliminate toxins effectively is absolutely relevant to your health goals: from overcoming infertility to losing … Read More