I share my experience with both vulnerability and sensitivity for those who have struggled deeply with infertility. I hope that my story is one of hope and possibility for anyone who’s struggling with their fertility journey and desires a different experience. -Dr. Liz A Decision About My Fertility Future A few years ago, I made a decision. I decided that I was NOT going to STRUGGLE with fertility. I know this might sound hard to believe. You might be thinking, “How can anyone who wants a baby possibly DECIDE not to struggle with fertility?” Yes, I’d experienced big emotions: vulnerability, sadness, disappointment, frustration (i.e., generally lost it a few times) when Aunt Flo came to visit. Yes, I’d suffered the … Read More
Feeling Fertile: 4 Mindset Shifts to Enhance IVF Success
In this article, we explore how our mindset informs our physiology when it comes to hormone health, fertility, and our emotional experience. Plan Your Pre-Season Just as it takes three months for the body to complete an egg’s development before ovulation, it takes the same amount of time for the eggs that will be retrieved for IVF to be cultivated, and to respond to the medications that will be used to increase the number of eggs retrieved. Similarly, it takes three months to prepare sperm in the male reproductive system. During this three month preconception season, both eggs and sperm are sensitive to the quality of your diet and the level of stress you’re both under. Just as athletes prepare … Read More